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What is the fourth trimester?Updated 2 years ago

Traditionally defined as the three months following birth, the Fourth Trimester is a time of great physical and emotional change as a mother recovers from birth. Many healthcare professionals now believe the Fourth Trimester to be much longer than three months. It can take some people more than a year to fully heal from the considerable physical, psychological, and emotional impact of birth.

Because so many aspects of Fourth Trimester recovery continue to be discussed behind closed doors, many mothers-to-be aren’t aware that almost everyone bleeds heavily for days, weeks, or even months after giving birth. It is also a little known fact that over 90% of first-time mothers who give birth vaginally will experience tearing, which can range from minor (first degree) to debilitating (fourth degree). We share these facts because being equipped with the knowledge of what postpartum recovery can really look like empowers us to take charge of our own birth recovery.

Society often reinforces the narrative that we need to ‘bounce back’ as quickly as possible after giving birth. This simply isn’t the reality for most people. Nor should it be. We believe in bouncing forward, into your new life with your new baby!

Everyone’s recovery process will look different– some will be shorter and some will be longer. Yet we all deserve to seek the support we need, for as long as we need it, whether that’s physical support such as an ice/heat therapy, emotional support from a mental health professional, or care support from a doula.

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