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Which size FourthWear Underwear should I order?Updated a year ago

Postpartum sizing can be particularly difficult. Though everyone's body and pregnancy is different, a general rule of thumb is that your postpartum body will be quite similar to your second-trimester body. 

The 'waist' of our underwear is designed to stretch and fold up or down. The most important area to pay attention to is your hips/bum and our sizing should match whatever your current maternity size is. 

We also recommend sizing down if you're unsure of which size you should get. So, for example, if your maternity size is an M, we recommend choosing the S/M as opposed to the M/L. If you sometimes wear M and sometimes wear a large, we recommend getting the M/L.
Please refer to our sizing chart below to compare our sizes to standard maternity sizes and don't hesitate to reach out to our helpful customer support team via chat or 
email if you have additional questions!

If you're choosing between sizes, we recommend sizing DOWN for our Postpartum Recovery Underwear. The fabric is very stretchy and adaptive.

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